1. In the Hall
- goal; be able to play both hands without stopping, always think about staccato, constantly of tempo
2. Tomorrow
- each hands alone from measure 16-24 , then both hands together
- practice entire song
1. Find Middle C
- Black black C
2. Old McDonald Had A Song
3. The Shepherd‘s Flute
4. Balloon
- practice C D E and sing along
1. The Crazy Clown p.20
- practice each hands alone First
- practice btoh hands entire piece
2. Halloween Night
- pracetice The sencond section. practice each hadns alone First. Pay attention O’Neill fimgerings 1 -3 -1 -3
1. Black Cat Shuffle
- practice second part first. Each hands alone then both hands.
- play with steady beats
2. Rhino in the mud (pdf)
3. writhing Leger LInes pdf