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Public·3 members



1. Halloween piece

- practice from measure 9 - 16 first. Make sure you play continuously all the way through the section

- practice with paddles, heel is always on the floor > make sure not to loose the tempo.

- on 2nd page; make sure to hold LH intervals longer and hover over the keys to get ready

2. When the Saint…

- practice each hands alone first then play both hands together


1. Lavender’s Blue

- make sure to play the correct rhythm. Play eighth notes all evenly And clear

2. Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (pdf)

RH alone on the 1st page


1. Halloween song: Men’s from Mars

- change the E to Eb (Black key)

2. Ode to Joy

3. Dotted Half Note


1. Pentascales

- C D E F G A B Major

2. Ice Skating

- practice in sections. A & B each hands alone first then both hands

3. Cannon in D

- each hands alone on first page


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